cookbook 'cookbook_pusher', '~> 0.4.0'
cookbook_pusher (3) Versions 0.4.0 Follow1
Automagically pushes your public cookbooks from github to opscode community
cookbook 'cookbook_pusher', '~> 0.4.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install cookbook_pusher
knife supermarket download cookbook_pusher
cookbook_pusher Cookbook
Code repo:
automagically pushes your github repos to opscode community site
Github Repository Naming
name your repositories according to your prefix
e.g. chef-my_cookbook
Github Repository Description metadata
end your repository description with "| Category : my category"
- github account
- opscode account
<td>your opscode username</td>
<td>your opscode auth key</td>
<td>your github username</td>
<td>prefix for naming of your github repository</td>
Just include cookbook_pusher
in your node's run_list
Run with chef-solo
add a cookbook-pusher.rb
root = File.absolute_path(File.dirname(FILE))
file_cache_path root
cookbook_path root + '/cookbooks'
add a cookbook-pusher.json
"run_list": [ "recipe[cookbook_pusher]" ],
"solo_dir": "/path/to/writable/dir",
"github_name": "myGithubAccountName",
"opscode_name": "myOpscodeAccountName",
make sure you converted your auth key line breaks!
cat auth.pem | sed s/$/\\\\n/ | tr -d '\n'
1. Fork the repository on Github
2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x
3. Write you change
4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
6. Submit a Pull Request using Github
License and Authors
Authors: TODO: List authors
Dependent cookbooks
git >= 0.0.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
Collaborator Number Metric
0.4.0 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
0.4.0 failed this metric
Contributing File Metric
0.4.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
0.4.0 failed this metric
Foodcritic Metric
0.4.0 failed this metric
FC064: Ensure issues_url is set in metadata: cookbook_pusher/metadata.rb:1
FC065: Ensure source_url is set in metadata: cookbook_pusher/metadata.rb:1
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: cookbook_pusher/metadata.rb:1
FC067: Ensure at least one platform supported in metadata: cookbook_pusher/metadata.rb:1
FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata: cookbook_pusher/metadata.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 16.3.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
0.4.0 failed this metric
FC065: Ensure source_url is set in metadata: cookbook_pusher/metadata.rb:1
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: cookbook_pusher/metadata.rb:1
FC067: Ensure at least one platform supported in metadata: cookbook_pusher/metadata.rb:1
FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata: cookbook_pusher/metadata.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 16.3.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
No Binaries Metric
0.4.0 passed this metric
0.4.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
0.4.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
0.4.0 failed this metric
Version Tag Metric
0.4.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.4.0 failed this metric