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apache2 (126) Versions 0.9.1

Installs and configures apache2

cookbook 'apache2', '= 0.9.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'apache2', '= 0.9.1'
knife supermarket install apache2
knife supermarket download apache2
Quality -%
= DESCRIPTION: Complete Debian/Ubuntu style Apache2 configuration. = REQUIREMENTS: Debian or Ubuntu preferred. Red Hat/CentOS and Fedora can be used but will be converted to a Debian/Ubuntu style Apache as it's far easier to manage with chef. = ATTRIBUTES: The file attributes/apache.rb contains the following attribute types: * platform specific locations and settings. * general settings * prefork attributes * worker attributes General settings and prefork/worker attributes are tunable. = USAGE: Include the apache2 recipe to install Apache2 and get 'sane' default settings. Configuration is modularized through Apache vhost sites a la Debian style configuration. For Red Hat, CentOS and Fedora you should first disable selinux as it's not supported (yet), then remove the stock httpd and all it's dependencies prior to attempting to use this recipe. Many packages in these distributions drop conflicting configs into conf.d, all of which haven't been accounted for yet. Starting from scratch will also make it far easier to debug. == Defines: * apache_module: sets up an Apache module. * apache_conf: sets up a config file for an apache module. * apache_site: sets up a vhost site. The conf file must be available. * web_app: copies the template for a web app and enables it as a site via apache_site. == Web Apps: Various applications that can be set up with Apache as the front end, such as PHP, Django, Rails and others can use the web_app define to set up the template and the Apache site. The define is kind of dumb, so the template needs have the application implementation settings, since we don't know what your app is or what is needed from Apache. We only prototype one parameter for the web_app define, "template". This is used to specify the name of the template to use in the current cookbook. When you use web_app, you can set up any parameters you want to use in your template. They will get passed to the template through the params hash. For example, the sample web_app.conf.erb template in this cookbook makes use of these. * docroot * server_name * server_aliases These are available as @params[:docroot], @params[:server_name], @params[:server_aliases] within the template. If 'cookbook' and 'template' are not specified, the current cookbook's templates/default/web_app.conf.erb will be used. If this template is not suitable for your application, copy it to your cookbook and customize as needed. == God Monitor: There's a new recipe, apache2::god_monitor. You will need to make sure to include the 'god' recipe before using the apache2::god_monitor recipe in your cookbook. = LICENSE & AUTHOR: Author:: Joshua Timberman (<>) Copyright:: 2009, Opscode, Inc Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

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margarita Applicable Versions
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mattermost Applicable Versions
mediawiki Applicable Versions
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munin Applicable Versions
myface Applicable Versions
nagios Applicable Versions
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naglite2 Applicable Versions
newrelic Applicable Versions
nginx-proxy Applicable Versions
nginx_fallback_to_apache Applicable Versions
nodestack Applicable Versions
noosfero Applicable Versions
open-build-service Applicable Versions
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owncloud Applicable Versions
pagekit Applicable Versions
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php Applicable Versions
phpbb Applicable Versions
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pnp4nagios Applicable Versions
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pxe Applicable Versions
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q2a Applicable Versions
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radiant Applicable Versions
rails Applicable Versions
rainloop Applicable Versions
redirects Applicable Versions
redmine Applicable Versions
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reprepro Applicable Versions
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smokeping Applicable Versions
sogo Applicable Versions
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stash Applicable Versions
staticip Applicable Versions
subversion Applicable Versions
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sugarcrm Applicable Versions
sugarcrm-ce Applicable Versions
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