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arcgis-notebooks (13) Versions 3.5.0

Installs/Configures ArcGIS Notebook Server

cookbook 'arcgis-notebooks', '= 3.5.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'arcgis-notebooks', '= 3.5.0'
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Quality 33%

arcgis-notebooks cookbook

This cookbook installs and configures ArcGIS Notebook Server.


Supported ArcGIS Notebook Server versions

  • 10.7.1
  • 10.8

Supported ArcGIS software

  • ArcGIS Notebook Server


  • Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04
  • Rhel 6.5, 7.0


The following cookbooks are required:

  • arcgis-enterprise
  • arcgis-repository
  • docker


  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['url'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server URL. Default URL is https://<FQDN of the machine>:11443.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['wa_name'] = Name of ArcGIS Web Adaptor used for ArcGIS Notebook Server. Default name is notebooks.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['wa_url'] = URL of the Web Adaptor used for ArcGIS Notebook Server. Default URL is https://<FQDN of the machine>/<Notebook Server Web Adaptor name>.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['domain_name'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server site domain name. Default domain is FQDN of the machine.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['private_url'] = Private URL of ArcGIS Notebook Server. Default URL is https://<FQDN of the machine>:11443/arcgis.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['web_context_url'] = Web Context URL of ArcGIS Notebook Server. Default URL is https://<FQDN of the machine>/<Notebook Server Web Adaptor name>.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['authorization_file'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server authorization file path.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['authorization_file_version'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server authorization file version. Default value is node['arcgis']['server']['authorization_file_version'].
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['license_level'] = License level of ArcGIS Notebook Server. Allowed values are standard and advanced. Default license level is standard.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['install_dir'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server installation directory. By default, ArcGIS Notebook Server is installed to %ProgramW6432%\ArcGIS\NotebookServer on Windows machines and to /home/arcgis on Linux machines.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['directories_root'] = The root ArcGIS Notebook Server server directory location. The default value is C:\arcgisnotebookserver\directories on Windows and /<ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/notebookserver/usr/directories on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['config_store_connection_string'] = The configuration store location for the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. By default, the configuration store is created in the local directory C:\arcgisnotebookserver\config-store on Windows and /<ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/usr/config-store on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['workspace'] = The workspace directory location. This must be a local path; if the site will have additional machines joined to it, a replication method must be set up between the workspace directories of each machine. By default the workspace directory is set to C:\arcgisnotebookserver\arcgisworkspace on Windows and to /<ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>/usr/arcgisworkspace on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['setup_archive'] = Path to ArcGIS Notebook Server setup archive. Default value depends on node['arcgis']['version'] attribute value.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['setup'] = The location of ArcGIS Notebook Server setup executable. Default location is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\ArcGIS10.8\NotebookServer\Setup.exe on Windows and /opt/arcgis/10.8/NotebookServer_Linux/Setup on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['standard_images'] = Standard Docker container images for notebooks. Default value depends on node['arcgis']['version'] attribute value.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['advanced_images'] = Advanced Docker container images for notebooks. Default value depends on node['arcgis']['version'] attribute value.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['configure_autostart'] = If set to true, on Linux the Notebook Server is configured to start with the operating system. Default value is true.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['admin_username'] = Primary ArcGIS Notebook Server administrator user name. Default user name is admin.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['admin_password'] = Primary ArcGIS Notebook Server administrator password. Default value is
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['primary_server_url'] = The URL of the existing ArcGIS Notebook Server site to join, in the format Default URL nil.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['install_system_requirements'] = Enable system-level configuration for ArcGIS Notebook Server. Default value is true.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['ports'] = Ports to open for Notebook Servier in Windows firewall. Default is 11443.



Installs and configures ArcGIS Notebook Server.


Installs Docker engine.


Federates ArcGIS Notebook Server with Portal for ArcGIS and enables NotebookServer role.


Installs ArcGIS Notebook Server.


Installs ArcGIS Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Notebook Server.


Installs and configures ArcGIS Notebook Server.


Joins additional machines to an ArcGIS Notebook Server site.


Installs and configures ArcGIS Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Notebook Server.


Uninstalls ArcGIS Notebook Server.


Uninstalls ArcGIS Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Notebook Server.


Example JSON for linux deployments:

    "arcgis": {
        "version": "10.7.1",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "notebook_server": {
            "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Server_Linux_1071_169927.tar.gz",
            "standard_images": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Docker_Standard_1071_169736.tar.gz",
            "advanced_images": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Docker_Advanced_1071_169738.tar.gz",
            "authorization_file": "/opt/software/esri/notebooksadvsvr_107.ecp",
            "license_level": "advanced",
            "admin_username": "admin",
            "admin_password": "",
            "directories_root": "/home/arcgis/notebookserver/usr/directories",
            "config_store_connection_string": "/home/arcgis/notebookserver/usr/directories/config-store",
            "workspace": "/home/arcgis/notebookserver/usr/directories/config-store",
            "configure_autostart": true,
            "install_system_requirements": true
    "run_list": [
    "arcgis": {
        "version": "10.7.1",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "notebook_server": {
            "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Server_Linux_1071_169927.tar.gz",
            "standard_images": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Docker_Standard_1071_169736.tar.gz",
            "advanced_images": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Docker_Advanced_1071_169738.tar.gz",
            "authorization_file": "/opt/software/esri/notebooksadvsvr_107.ecp",
            "license_level": "advanced",
            "primary_server_url": "",
            "admin_username": "admin",
            "admin_password": "",
            "configure_autostart": true,
            "install_system_requirements": true
    "run_list": [

See wiki pages for more information about using ArcGIS cookbooks.


Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.


Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please see our guidelines for contributing.


Copyright 2019 Esri

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

A copy of the license is available in the repository's License.txt file.

[](Esri Tags: ArcGIS Enterprise Notebook Server Chef Cookbook)
[](Esri Language: Ruby)

Dependent cookbooks

arcgis-enterprise ~> 3.5
arcgis-repository ~> 3.5
docker ~> 4.9

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

arcgis-notebooks CHANGELOG

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the arcgis-notebooks cookbook.


Initial release of the cookbook.

Collaborator Number Metric

3.5.0 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

3.5.0 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Foodcritic Metric

3.5.0 failed this metric

FC074: LWRP should use DSL to define resource's default action: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:1
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:155
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:23
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:24
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:25
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:26
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:27
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:28
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:29
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:30
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:31
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:32
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:33
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:34
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:35
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:36
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:37
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:38
FC092: Custom resources should not define actions: arcgis-notebooks/resources/server.rb:20
Run with Foodcritic Version 14.3.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any

No Binaries Metric

3.5.0 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

3.5.0 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Version Tag Metric

3.5.0 passed this metric