cookbook 'choregraphie', '= 0.5.1'
(37) Versions
Coordinates the application of changes induced by chef
cookbook 'choregraphie', '= 0.5.1', :supermarket
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choregraphie is French for choreography.
A protected resource is a resource whose convergence can induce downtime on the service. For instance, service[mydatabase]
is usually a resource to protect.
A choregraphie describes actions which operate on some chef events. It allows, for instance, to run an action before and after the convergence of a resource (currently: after means at the end of a sucessful run).
A primitive is a helper for common idioms in choregraphies. Examples: grabbing a lock, silencing the monitoring, executing a shell command.
choregraphie 'my elasticsearch' do
# protect against service and network restart
on 'service[mydatase]'
on 'service[network]'
# protect against all reboot resources
on /^reboot\[/
# built-in primitive
consul_lock(path: 'choregraphie/locks/myes', concurrency: 2)
before do
# roll your own code
Only chef >= 12.6 is supported (due to a dependency on :before notifications).
Usage of compat_resource cookbook is highly discouraged as it modifies chef behavior and has silently broken :before notification in the past which are the foundation of choregraphie. Branch 'criteo' in criteo-forks organization is a safely patched version of this cookbook to avoid any chef monkeypatching.
Choregraphies can be applied only on resources that support whyrun (currently chef default resources and resource/provider style).
Custom resources (the whole resource defined in the resources/ directory) are not supported at the moment (see for a discussion).
Available Primitives
See the code for up-to-date information.
- CheckFile:
check_file '/tmp/do_it'
will wait until the given file exists on the filesystem. This file is cleaned after. - WaitUntil:
wait_until "ping -c 1"
will wait until the command exit with a 0 status. This primitives supports string, mixlib/shellout instance and blocks. - ConsulLock:
consul_lock {path: '/lock/my_app', id: 'my_node', concurrency: 5}
will grab a lock from consul and release it afterwards. This primitive is based on optimistic concurrency rather than consul sessions. - ConsulMaintenance:
consul_maintenance reason: 'My reason'
will enable maintenance mode on the consul agent before the choregraphie starts.
Missing Primitives
Write your own, it is easy.
How to write a primitive
You should have a look at the example primitives such as check_file
Primitives can implement two callbacks:
- before is the callback called before the start of choregraphie (usually before the convergence of a resource)
- cleanup is the callback called at the end of successful chef-client run. Cleanup is always called so primitives must be efficient and safe to run at the end of all chef-client runs (for instance cleaning a file only if exists).
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
Collaborator Number Metric
0.5.1 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 1 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Foodcritic Metric
0.5.1 passed this metric
0.5.1 failed this metric
0.5.1 passed this metric