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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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firefox (30) Versions 6.1.7

Installs Mozilla Firefox on multiple operating systems

cookbook 'firefox', '= 6.1.7', :supermarket
cookbook 'firefox', '= 6.1.7'
knife supermarket install firefox
knife supermarket download firefox
Quality 33%

firefox Cookbook

Cookbook Version
CI State

This cookbook provides a resource (firefox_install) for installing firefox via package manager or downloading the binary directory from Mozilla. The resource allows specifying the version, language, and the desired action (install vs. upgrade) to perform during the install. The cookbook also ships with a default recipe that utilizes the resource in order to provide backwards compatibility with the previous cookbook releases.


This cookbook is maintained by the Sous Chefs. The Sous Chefs are a community of Chef cookbook maintainers working together to maintain important cookbooks. If you’d like to know more please visit or come chat with us on the Chef Community Slack in #sous-chefs.



  • CentOS/RHEL
  • macOS
  • Ubuntu
  • Windows


  • Chef 14+


  • none



Installs the Firefox web browser. With no properties provided the latest version of Firefox (en-us) will be installed on the system.


  • :install - install the package (default)
  • :upgrade - upgrade the package if a previous version already exists


  • lang - Language of firefox to install. Windows and macOS only. Default is en-US.
  • version - Version of firefox to download. Default is latest.
  • package_name - Package name to install. Default is firefox_package_name helper method.



The default recipe exists for backwards compatibility reasons and simply calls the firefox_install resource but passes in values specified by Chef node attributes.


  • version - Version of firefox to download. Default is latest.
  • lang - Language of firefox to install. Windows and macOS only. Default is en-US.
  • install_action - The installation action to take (:install or :upgrade). Default is :install


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


Thank you to all our backers!


Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website.

firefox Cookbook CHANGELOG

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the firefox cookbook.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

6.1.7 - 2023-05-17

6.1.6 - 2023-05-03

6.1.5 - 2023-04-01

6.1.4 - 2023-03-02

6.1.3 - 2023-02-14

  • Remove delivery folder

6.1.2 - 2021-08-31

  • Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management

6.1.0 (2020-10-17)


  • Sous Chefs Adoption
  • Update Changelog to Sous Chefs
  • Update to use Sous Chefs GH workflow
  • Update README to sous-chefs
  • Update metadata.rb to Sous Chefs
  • Update test-kitchen to Sous Chefs
  • Migrate to InSpec for tests
  • Move firefox_install library methods to helper file


  • Yamllint fixes
  • MDL Fixes


  • Add package_name property to firefox_install resource and helper method
  • Add CentOS 8 testing
  • Add Ubuntu 20.04 testing


  • Remove Amazon Linux Support
  • Remove EL 6 testing
  • Remove unused firefox_package method

6.0.0 (2019-02-01)

  • Added a new firefox_install custom resource and updated the recipe to just use the resource instead
  • Moved the previous libraries directly into the custom resource. If you were using these in a different resource or recipe they will no longer be available and you'll need to pull them into your own cookbook
  • Changed the behavior on Windows to automatically install the 64bit Firefox when on 64bit hosts

5.0.0 (2019-01-20)

  • Require Chef 14+ and remove dmg dependency - @tas50

4.0.0 (2017-03-20)

  • Changed the default behavior of the cookbook on Linux platforms to not install firefox during the compile phase and to use an install action not an upgrade action. The fixes race conditions between the apt_update and the installation. If you would still like to upgraade firefox by default there is an attribute to control the install action now.
  • Fixed failing Chefspecs
  • Added appveyer testing for Windows installation
  • Fixed compile time failures if firefox is not on the system at all
  • Set the minimum chef release to 12.6 so we'll have windows_package resources built in

3.0.1 (2017-03-03)

  • Update the minimum chef release to 12.1 from 12.0
  • Allow dmg 3.0 cookbook by loosening the dependency
  • Cookstyle updates
  • Test with Local Delivery and not Rake
  • Remove EOL platforms from the kitchen configs and add OS X

3.0.0 (2016-09-02)

  • Replace apt cookbook with apt_update in test
  • Add windows boxes for testing in test kitchen
  • Require Chef 12 or later
  • Use Chef's built in package instead of windows_package from the windows cookbook
  • Fix downloading since Mozilla changed how latest works


  • Transfer ownership to Chef
  • Add and docs
  • Add Rakefile for simplified testing


  • Require dmg and windows in the metadata instead of suggesting. The suggests property in metadata is not actually used in depsolving and should be avoided.
  • Depend on a more recent version of the Windows cookbook that properly handles Chef 12
  • Add full integration testing with kitchen-docker in Travis


  • Fix redirection forbidden


  • Update platforms tested with Kitchen CI
  • Run Travis CI tests in the container infrastructure and cache bundler installs
  • Add a simple contributing doc
  • Update development dependencies and breakout gems into groups
  • Add license file
  • Add cookbook version badge to readme
  • Add cookbook and chef requirements to the readme
  • Add license to the readme
  • Add source_url and issues_url to metadata


  • Fix installations on OS X
  • Fix the Windows package name in the registry to prevent installs on each run
  • Add a VMware Fusion Test Kitchen file for OS X testing
  • Chefspec fixes
  • Gemfile dependencies loosened


  • Add support for Mac OS X, CentOS, and Ubuntu platforms
  • Automatically determine latest Firefox package version
  • Add firefox_version method that returns version installed
  • Add a ability to select language for Windows and Mac OS X platforms
  • Replace download URL with releases URL


  • Install Firefox 32.0.3


  • Install Firefox 30.0.0
  • Switch to the new URL for the Firefox download CDN
  • Add a new attribute for defining what version of Firefox to download ['firefox']['version']


  • Install Firefox 25.0.1


  • Install Firefox 17.0.1


  • Update the download URL for Firefox since Mozilla changed hosts


  • Bump from Firefox 15.0.1 to 16.0.1


  • Fix the download URL


  • Update to Firefox 15.0.1


  • Update to Firefox 15


  • Initial release with a Changelog
  • Update to Firefox 14.0.1 from 13.0.1

Collaborator Number Metric

6.1.7 passed this metric

Contributing File Metric

6.1.7 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Cookstyle Metric

6.1.7 failed this metric

Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( firefox/resources/install.rb: 1

Run with Cookstyle Version 7.32.1 with cops Chef/Deprecations,Chef/Correctness,Chef/Sharing,Chef/RedundantCode,Chef/Modernize,Chef/Security,InSpec/Deprecations

No Binaries Metric

6.1.7 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

6.1.7 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Version Tag Metric

6.1.7 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number