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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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graphite (45) Versions 0.4.0

Installs/Configures graphite

cookbook 'graphite', '= 0.4.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'graphite', '= 0.4.0'
knife supermarket install graphite
knife supermarket download graphite
Quality -%


Installs and configures Graphite


  • Ubuntu 10.04 / Ubuntu 12.04


The name of the encrypted data bag containing the default password for
the graphite "root" user. If this attribute is set it will not use

  • node['graphite']['encrypted_data_bag']['name']

  • node['graphite']['version'] - version of graphite to install (defaults to 0.9.10)

  • node['graphite']['password'] - password for graphite root user(default to change_me and is only used if encrypted databag isn't)

  • node['graphite']['url'] - url of the graphite server (defaults to graphite)

  • node['graphite']['url_aliases'] - array of url aliases (defaults to nil)

  • node['graphite']['listen_port'] - port to listen on (defaults to 80)

  • node['graphite']['base_dir'] = "/opt/graphite"

  • node['graphite']['doc_root'] = "/opt/graphite/webapp"

  • node['graphite']['storage_dir'] = "/opt/graphite/storage"

  • node['graphite']['django_root'] = "@DJANGO_ROOT@" - configurable path to your django installation

  • node['graphite']['whisper']['uri'] - download url for whisper

  • node['graphite']['whisper']['checksum'] - checksum of the whisper download

  • node['graphite']['graphite_web']['uri'] - download url for the graphite web ui

  • node['graphite']['graphite_web']['checksum'] - checksum for the graphite web ui download

  • node['graphite']['carbon']['uri'] - download url for carbon

  • node['graphite']['carbon']['checksum'] - checksum for the carbon download

  • node['graphite']['carbon']['line_receiver_interface'] - line interface IP (defaults to

  • node['graphite']['carbon']['line_receiver_port'] - line interface port (defaults to 2003)

  • node['graphite']['carbon']['pickle_receiver_interface'] - pickle receiver IP (defaults to

  • node['graphite']['carbon']['pickle_receiver_port'] - pickle receiver port (defaults to 2004)

  • node['graphite']['carbon']['cache_query_interface'] - cache query IP (defaults to

  • node['graphite']['carbon']['cache_query_port'] - cache query port (defaults to 7002)

  • node['graphite']['carbon']['max_updates_per_second'] - max updates to carbon per second (defaults to 1000)

  • node['graphite']['carbon']['service_type'] - init service to use for carbon (defaults to runit)

  • node['graphite']['carbon']['log_whisper_updates'] - log updates to whisper (defaults to false)

Set the timezone for the graphite web interface, defaults to America/Los_Angeles

  • node[:graphite][:timezone]


recipe[graphite] should build a stand-alone Graphite installation.

recipe[graphite::ganglia] integrates with Ganglia. You'll want at
least one monitor node (i.e. recipe[ganglia]) node to be running
to use it.

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