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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

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The habitat cookbook has been deprecated

Author provided reason for deprecation:

The habitat cookbook has been deprecated and is no longer being maintained by its authors. Use of the habitat cookbook is no longer recommended.


habitat (74) Versions 0.50.3

Habitat related resources for chef-client

cookbook 'habitat', '= 0.50.3', :supermarket
cookbook 'habitat', '= 0.50.3'
knife supermarket install habitat
knife supermarket download habitat
Quality 100%

Habitat Cookbook

Build Status Cookbook Version

This cookbook provides resources for working with Habitat. It is intended that these resources will be included in core Chef at some point in the future, so it is important to note:

  • APIs are subject to change
  • Habitat is a rapidly changing product, and this cookbook may change rapidly as well

(this is a pre-1.0 version, after all)



  • RHEL 6+
  • Ubuntu 14.04+


  • 0.50.3

This cookbook is developed lockstep with the latest release of Habitat to ensure compatibility, going forward from 0.33.0 of the cookbook and 0.33.2 of Habitat itself. When new versions of Habitat are released, the version should be updated in these files:

  • note required version in this file
  • resources/install.rb: set the default to the new version
  • test/integration/install/default_spec.rb: to match the version from the resource

Additionally, new versions must be tested that all behavior in the cookbook still works, otherwise the cookbook must be updated to match the behavior in the new version of Habitat.

Users who wish to install a specific version of Habitat should use an older (0.28 or earlier) release of this cookbook, but note that is unsupported and they are advised to upgrade ASAP.


  • Chef 12.11+


  • None



Installs Habitat on the system using the install script.


  • install: Installs Habitat. Does nothing if the hab binary is found in the default location for the system (/bin/hab on Linux, /usr/local/bin/hab on macOS)
  • upgrade: Installs the latest version of Habitat, does not check if the binary exists


  • install_url: URL to the install script, default is from the habitat repo
  • bldr_url: Optional URL to an alternate Builder (defaults to the public Builder)
  • channel: The release channel to install from (defaults to stable)
  • create_user: Creates the hab system user (defaults to true)


hab_install 'install habitat'
hab_install 'install habitat' do
  bldr_url 'http://localhost'


Install the specified Habitat package. Requires that Habitat is installed

This resource is written as a library resource because it subclasses Chef's package resource/provider to get features such as the multi-package API).


  • install: installs the specified package
  • upgrade: aliased to install


  • package_name: A Habitat package name, must include the origin and package name separated by /, for example, core/redis
  • version: A Habitat version which contains the version and optionally a release separated by /, for example, 3.2.3 or 3.2.3/20160920131015
  • bldr_url: The habitat builder url where packages will be downloaded from (defaults to public habitat builder)
  • channel: The release channel to install from (defaults to stable)

While it is valid to pass the version and release with a Habitat package as a fully qualified package identifier when using the hab CLI, they must be specified using the version property when using this resource. See the examples below.


hab_package 'core/redis'

hab_package 'core/redis' do
  version '3.2.3'
  channel 'unstable'

hab_package 'core/redis' do
  version '3.2.3/20160920131015'


Manages a Habitat application service using hab sup/hab service. This requires that core/hab-sup be running as a service. See the hab_sup resource documentation below for more information about how to set that up with this cookbook.

Note: Applications may run as a specific user. Often with Habitat, the default is hab, or root. If the application requires another user, then it should be created with Chef's user resource.


  • load: (default action) runs hab service load to load and start the specified application service
  • unload: runs hab service unload to unload and stop the specified application service
  • start: runs hab service start to start the specified application service
  • stop: runs hab service stop to stop the specified application service


Some properties are only valid for start or load actions. See the description of each option for indication which action(s) the property is used. This is because the underlying hab sup commands have different options available in their context.

  • service_name: name property, the name of the service, must be in the form of origin/name
  • loaded: state property indicating whether the service is loaded in the supervisor
  • running: state property indicating whether the service is running in the supervisor
  • permanent_peer: Only valid for :start action, passes --permanent-peer to the hab command
  • listen_gossip: Only valid for :start action, passes --listen-gossip with the specified address and port, e.g.,, to the hab command
  • listen_http: Only valid for :start action, passes --listen-http with the specified address and port, e.g.,, to the hab command
  • org: Only valid for :start action, passes --org with the specified org name to the hab command
  • peer: Only valid for :start action, passes --peer with the specified initial peer to the hab command
  • ring: Only valid for :start action, passes --ring with the specified ring key name to the hab command
  • strategy: Only valid for :start or :load actions, passes --strategy with the specified update strategy to the hab command
  • topology: Only valid for :start or :load actions, passes --topology with the specified service topology to the hab command
  • bldr_url: Only valid for :start or :load actions, passes --url with the specified Builder URL to the hab command
  • bind: Only valid for :start or :load actions, passes --bind with the specified services to bind to the hab command
  • service_group: Only valid for :start or :load actions, passes --group with the specified service group to the hab command
  • config_from: Only valid for :start action, passes --config-from with the specified directory to the hab command
  • override_name: Advanced Use Valid for all actions, passes --override-name with the specified name to the hab command; used for running services in multiple supervisors
  • channel: Only valid for :start or :load actions, passes --channel with the specified channel to the hab command


# install and load nginx
hab_package 'core/nginx'
hab_service 'core/nginx'

hab_service 'core/nginx unload' do
  service_name 'core/nginx'
  action :unload

# pass the strategy and topology options to hab service commands (load by default)
hab_service 'core/redis' do
  strategy 'rolling'
  topology 'standalone'

If the service has it's own user specified that is not the hab user, don't create the hab user on install, and instead create the application user with Chef's user resource

hab_install 'install habitat' do
  create_user false

user 'acme-apps' do
  system true

hab_service 'acme/apps'


Runs a Habitat Supervisor for one or more Habitat Services. This requires Habitat version 0.20 or higher. It is used in conjunction with hab_service which will manage the services loaded and started within the supervisor.

The run action handles installing Habitat using the hab_install resource, ensures that the core/hab-sup package is installed using hab_package, and then drops off the appropriate init system definitions and manages the service.


  • run: starts the hab-sup service


  • permanent_peer: Only valid for :start action, passes --permanent-peer to the hab command
  • listen_gossip: Only valid for :start action, passes --listen-gossip with the specified address and port, e.g.,, to the hab command
  • listen_http: Only valid for :start action, passes --listen-http with the specified address and port, e.g.,, to the hab command
  • org: Only valid for :start action, passes --org with the specified org name to the hab command
  • peer: Only valid for :start action, passes --peer with the specified initial peer to the hab command
  • ring: Only valid for :start action, passes --ring with the specified ring key name to the hab command
  • hab_channel: The channel to install Habitat from. Defaults to stable
  • override_name: Advanced Use Valid for all actions, passes --override-name with the specified name to the hab command; used for running services in multiple supervisors


# set up with just the defaults
hab_sup 'default'

# run with an override name, requires changing listen_http and
# listen_gossip if a default supervisor is running
hab_sup 'test-options' do
  override_name 'myapps'
  listen_http ''
  listen_gossip ''


Applies a given configuration to a habitat service using hab config apply.


  • apply: (default action) apply the given configuration


  • service_group: The service group to apply the configuration to, for example, nginx.default
  • config: The configuration to apply as a ruby hash, for example, { worker_count: 2, http: { keepalive_timeout: 120 } }
  • org: (optional) passes the --org option with the specified org name to the hab config command.
  • peer: (optional) passes the --peer option with the specified peer to the hab config command.
  • ring: (optional) passes the --ring option with the specified ring key name to the hab config command.
  • api_host: Hostname for the habitat api in order to look up the existing configuration. Defaults to
  • api_port: Port number for the habitat api. Defaults to 9631.


The version number of the configuration is automatically generated and will be
the current timestamp in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.


hab_config 'nginx.default' do
    worker_count: 2,
    http: {
      keepalive_timeout: 120


This cookbook is maintained by Chef's Community Cookbook Engineering team along with the following maintainers:

The goal of the Community Cookbook Engineering team is to improve cookbook quality and to aid the community in contributing to cookbooks. To learn more about our team, process, and design goals see our team documentation. To learn more about contributing to cookbooks like this see our contributing documentation, or if you have general questions about this cookbook come chat with us in #cookbok-engineering on the Chef Community Slack


Copyright: 2016-2017, Chef Software, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


This file is used to list changes made in each version of the habitat cookbook.

0.50.3 (2017-12-04)

  • Update for Habitat version 0.50.3

0.40.0 (2017-11-30)

  • Update for Habitat version 0.40.0

0.39.2 (2017-11-28)

  • Add Supervisor service support for non-Systemd platforms

Development environment/CI changes:

  • need to install toml gem for travis
  • Ignore failure when installing from acceptance

0.39.1 (2017-11-27)

  • update for 0.39.1
  • fix rubocop findings too

0.39.0 (2017-11-17)

  • Install version 0.39.0
  • Defer running check to a predicate method in service resource

0.38.0 (2017-10-30)

  • update version to install for habitat 0.38.0

0.37.1 (2017-10-26)

  • create user in hab_install

0.37.0 (2017-10-19)

  • update for habitat 0.37.0 release

0.36.0 (2017-10-09)

  • Simplify Chef::Provider::Package::Hart#current_versions.
  • honor options from package provider
  • update for habitat 0.36.0

0.34.3 (2017-10-06)

  • Clarify in the README about action-specific properties

0.34.2 (2017-10-06)

  • Add hab_config resource
  • Add toml gem to metadata for older versions of Chef that don't have it
  • Require Chef 12.20.3 or higher to make use of helper methods and classes in newer versions of Chef

0.34.1 (2017-10-04)

  • Add version_compare method to work with latest Chef

0.34.0 (2017-10-03)

  • Update hab_install to Habitat version 0.34.1

0.33.0 (2017-09-25)

Breaking change

This version is a compatibility change. All users of this cookbook must upgrade the cookbook to use current versions of Habitat.

  • Fix to account for habitat-sh/habitat#3239 - do not provide /v1/depot to Depot URL.
  • Pin the version of this cookbook along with the version of Habitat we install. This should match minor, but not necessarily patch versions.

0.28.0 (2017-09-19)

  • Add channel support to sup load/start

0.27.0 (2017-09-11)

  • Add hab_version and hab_channel to the sup service
  • Support multiple binds with hab_service

0.26.1 (2017-07-21)

  • hab_package now properly selects latest version from the specified channel.

0.26.0 (2017-07-17)

Breaking Changes

This cookbook was updated to be compatible with the changes made in Habitat 0.26. With these updates the cookbook now requires Habitat 0.26 or later. The version has been updated to match that of habitat. In the event of future breaking habitat changes the version of this cookbook will be updated to reflect the new minimum habitat release.
- The cookbook now correctly parses the process status returned by the hab sup services endpoint
- Packages now pull from the 'stable' channel by default. If you need to pull from another channel there is a new 'channel' property in the package resource that accepts a string.

Other Changes

  • Resolves deprecation warnings introduced in Chef 13.2
  • Removed references in the readme to Chefstyle and simplified some of the requirements information
  • Added maintainer information to the readme and removed the maintainers file

v0.4.0 (2017-04-26)

  • Backwards incompatible version, requires habitat 0.20 or higher
  • Add hab_sup resource for managing Habitat supervisor. See readme for usage.
  • Rewrite hab_service resource to manage services in Habitat supervisor

v0.3.0 (2017-02-21)

  • Add property for ExecStart options. See readme for usage
  • Add property for depot_url. See readme for usage
  • Added restart action to the resource

v0.2.0 (2016-11-30)

  • Added version and channel properties to install resource
  • Added depot_url property to hab_package resource

v0.1.1 (2016-11-10)

  • Removed Chef 11 compatibility in the metadata
  • Resolved Chefstyle warnings
  • Resolved foodcritic warnings
  • Added a chefignore file
  • Updated the gitignore file
  • Improve the readme format and add badges
  • Update all test deps to current
  • Remove the apt testing dependency
  • Add integration testing in Travis using kitchen-dokken

v0.1.0 (2016-11-08)

  • add hab_service resource
  • make the hab_package resource convergent
  • add chefspec and inspec tests
  • better documentation through README updates

v0.0.3 (2016-07-14)

  • Initial release, includes hab_package and hab_install resources

Collaborator Number Metric

0.50.3 passed this metric

Contributing File Metric

0.50.3 passed this metric

Foodcritic Metric

0.50.3 passed this metric

License Metric

0.50.3 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

0.50.3 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

0.50.3 passed this metric

Version Tag Metric

0.50.3 passed this metric