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hadoop (72) Versions 2.14.0

Installs/Configures Hadoop (HDFS/YARN/MRv2), HBase, Hive, Flume, Oozie, Pig, Spark, Storm, Tez, and ZooKeeper

cookbook 'hadoop', '~> 2.14.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'hadoop', '~> 2.14.0'
knife supermarket install hadoop
knife supermarket download hadoop
Quality 83%

hadoop cookbook

Cookbook Version
Apache License 2.0
Build Status
Code Climate


This cookbook may work on earlier versions, but these are the minimal tested versions.

  • Chef 11.4.0+
  • CentOS 6.4+
  • Debian 6.0+
  • Ubuntu 12.04+

This cookbook assumes that you have a working Java installation. It has been tested using version 1.21.2 of the java cookbook, using Oracle JDK 7. If you plan on using Hive with a database other than the embedded Derby, you will need to provide it and set it up prior to starting Hive Metastore service.


This cookbook is designed to be used with a wrapper cookbook or a role with settings for configuring Hadoop. The services should work out of the box on a single host, but little validation is done that you have made a working Hadoop configuration. The cookbook is attribute-driven and is suitable for use via either chef-client or chef-solo since it does not use any server-based functionality. The cookbook defines service definitions for each Hadoop service, but it does not enable or start them, by default.

For more information, read the Wrapping this cookbook wiki entry.


Attributes for this cookbook define the configuration files for Hadoop and its various services. Hadoop configuration files are XML files, with name/value property pairs. The attribute name determines which file the property is placed and the property name. The attribute value is the property value. The attribute hadoop['core_site']['fs.defaultFS'] will configure a property named fs.defaultFS in core-site.xml in hadoop['conf_dir']. All attribute values are taken as-is and only minimal configuration checking is done on values. It is up to the user to provide a valid configuration for your cluster.

Attribute Tree File Location
flume['flume_conf'] flume.conf flume['conf_dir']
hadoop['capacity_scheduler'] capacity-scheduler.xml hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['container_executor'] container-executor.cfg hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['core_site'] core-site.xml hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['fair_scheduler'] fair-scheduler.xml hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['hadoop_env'] hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['hadoop_metrics'] hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['hadoop_policy'] hadoop-policy.xml hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['hdfs_site'] hdfs-site.xml hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['log4j'] hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['mapred_env'] hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['mapred_site'] mapred-site.xml hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['yarn_env'] hadoop['conf_dir']
hadoop['yarn_site'] yarn-site.xml hadoop['conf_dir']
hbase['hadoop_metrics'] hbase['conf_dir']
hbase['hbase_env'] hbase['conf_dir']
hbase['hbase_policy'] hbase-policy.xml hbase['conf_dir']
hbase['hbase_site'] hbase-site.xml hbase['conf_dir']
hbase['jaas'] jaas.conf hbase['conf_dir']
hbase['log4j'] hbase['conf_dir']
hive['hive_env'] hive['conf_dir']
hive['hive_site'] hive-site.xml hive['conf_dir']
hive['jaas'] jaas.conf hive['conf_dir']
hive2['hive_env'] hive2['conf_dir']
hive2['hive_site'] hive-site.xml hive2['conf_dir']
hive2['jaas'] jaas.conf hive2['conf_dir']
oozie['oozie_env'] oozie['conf_dir']
oozie['oozie_site'] oozie-site.xml oozie['conf_dir']
spark['log4j'] spark['conf_dir']
spark['metrics'] spark['conf_dir']
spark['spark_env'] spark['conf_dir']
storm['storm_env'] storm['conf_dir']
storm['storm_env'] storm_env.ini storm['conf_dir']
storm['storm_conf'] storm.yaml storm['conf_dir']
tez['tez_env'] tez['conf_dir']
tez['tez_site'] tez-site.xml tez['conf_dir']
zookeeper['jaas'] jaas.conf zookeeper['conf_dir']
zookeeper['log4j'] zookeeper['conf_dir']
zookeeper['zoocfg'] zoo.cfg zookeeper['conf_dir']

Distribution Attributes

  • hadoop['distribution'] - Specifies which Hadoop distribution to use, currently supported: cdh, hdp, bigtop. Default hdp
  • hadoop['distribution_version'] - Specifies which version of hadoop['distribution'] to use. Default 2.0 if hadoop['distribution'] is hdp, 5 if hadoop['distribution'] is cdh, and 0.8.0 if hadoop['distribution'] is bigtop. It can also be set to develop when hadoop['distribution'] is bigtop to allow installing from development repos without gpg validation.

APT-specific settings

  • hadoop['apt_repo_url'] - Provide an alternate apt installation source location. If you change this attribute, you are expected to provide a path to a working repo for the hadoop['distribution'] used. Default: nil
  • hadoop['apt_repo_key_url'] - Provide an alternative apt repository key source location. Default nil

RPM-specific settings

  • hadoop['yum_repo_url'] - Provide an alternate yum installation source location. If you change this attribute, you are expected to provide a path to a working repo for the hadoop['distribution'] used. Default: nil
  • hadoop['yum_repo_key_url'] - Provide an alternative yum repository key source location. Default nil

Global Configuration Attributes

  • hadoop['conf_dir'] - The directory used inside /etc/hadoop and used via the alternatives system. Default conf.chef
  • hbase['conf_dir'] - The directory used inside /etc/hbase and used via the alternatives system. Default conf.chef
  • hive['conf_dir'] - The directory used inside /etc/hive and used via the alternatives system. Default conf.chef
  • oozie['conf_dir'] - The directory used inside /etc/oozie and used via the alternatives system. Default conf.chef
  • tez['conf_dir'] - The directory used inside /etc/tez and used via the alternatives system. Default conf.chef
  • spark['conf_dir'] - The directory used inside /etc/spark and used via the alternatives system. Default conf.chef
  • storm['conf_dir'] - The directory used inside /etc/storm and used via the alternatives system. Default conf.chef
  • zookeeper['conf_dir'] - The directory used inside /etc/zookeeper and used via the alternatives system. Default conf.chef

Default Attributes

  • hadoop['core_site']['fs.defaultFS'] - Sets URI to HDFS NameNode. Default hdfs://localhost
  • hadoop['yarn_site']['yarn.resourcemanager.hostname'] - Sets hostname of YARN ResourceManager. Default localhost
  • hive['hive_site']['javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL'] - Sets JDBC URL. Default jdbc:derby:;databaseName=/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db;create=true
  • hive['hive_site']['javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName'] - Sets JDBC Driver. Default org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver


  • default.rb - Sets up configuration and hadoop-client packages.
  • hadoop_hdfs_checkconfig - Ensures the HDFS configuration meets required parameters.
  • hadoop_hdfs_datanode - Sets up an HDFS DataNode.
  • hadoop_hdfs_ha_checkconfig - Ensures the HDFS configuration meets requirements for High Availability.
  • hadoop_hdfs_journalnode - Sets up an HDFS JournalNode.
  • hadoop_hdfs_namenode - Sets up an HDFS NameNode.
  • hadoop_hdfs_secondarynamenode - Sets up an HDFS Secondary NameNode.
  • hadoop_hdfs_zkfc - Sets up HDFS Failover Controller, required for automated NameNode failover.
  • hadoop_yarn_nodemanager - Sets up a YARN NodeManager.
  • hadoop_yarn_proxyserver - Sets up a YARN Web Proxy.
  • hadoop_yarn_resourcemanager - Sets up a YARN ResourceManager.
  • hbase - Sets up configuration and hbase packages.
  • hbase_checkconfig - Ensures the HBase configuration meets required parameters.
  • hbase_master - Sets up an HBase Master.
  • hbase_regionserver - Sets up an HBase RegionServer.
  • hbase_rest - Sets up an HBase REST interface.
  • hbase_thrift - Sets up an HBase Thrift interface.
  • hive - Sets up configuration and hive packages.
  • hive_metastore - Sets up Hive Metastore metadata repository.
  • hive_server - Sets up a Hive Thrift service.
  • hive_server2 - Sets up a Hive Thrift service with Kerberos and multi-client concurrency support.
  • oozie - Sets up an Oozie server.
  • oozie_client - Sets up an Oozie client.
  • pig - Installs pig interpreter.
  • repo - Sets up package manager repositories for specified hadoop['distribution']
  • spark - Sets up configuration and spark-core packages.
  • spark_master - Sets up a Spark Master.
  • spark_worker - Sets up a Spark Worker.
  • storm - Sets up storm package.
  • storm_nimbus - Setups a Storm Nimbus server.
  • storm_supervisor - Setups a Storm Supervisor server.
  • storm_ui - Setups a Storm UI server.
  • tez - Sets up configuration and tez packages.
  • zookeeper - Sets up zookeeper package.
  • zookeeper_server - Sets up a ZooKeeper server.


Author:: Cask Data, Inc. (


This cookbook has several ways to test it. It includes code tests, which are done using foodcritic, rubocop, and chefspec.
It, also, includes functionality testing, provided by kitchen.

rake chefspec     # Run RSpec code examples
rake foodcritic   # Foodcritic linter
rake integration  # Run Test Kitchen integration tests
rake metadata     # Create metadata.json from metadata.rb
rake rubocop      # Ruby style guide linter
rake share        # Share cookbook to community site


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

yum >= 3.0
apt >= 2.1.2
dpkg_autostart >= 0.0.0
selinux >= 0.0.0
sysctl >= 0.0.0
ulimit >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

bigdata Applicable Versions
cdap Applicable Versions
coopr Applicable Versions
flink Applicable Versions
hadoop_spark Applicable Versions
hbase Applicable Versions
impala Applicable Versions
zeppelin Applicable Versions

Collaborator Number Metric

2.14.0 passed this metric

Contributing File Metric

2.14.0 passed this metric

Foodcritic Metric

2.14.0 failed this metric

FC120: Do not set the name property directly on a resource: hadoop/recipes/repo.rb:104
FC120: Do not set the name property directly on a resource: hadoop/recipes/repo.rb:118
FC120: Do not set the name property directly on a resource: hadoop/recipes/repo.rb:127
FC120: Do not set the name property directly on a resource: hadoop/recipes/repo.rb:137
FC120: Do not set the name property directly on a resource: hadoop/recipes/repo.rb:222
FC120: Do not set the name property directly on a resource: hadoop/recipes/repo.rb:296
FC120: Do not set the name property directly on a resource: hadoop/recipes/repo.rb:356
FC120: Do not set the name property directly on a resource: hadoop/recipes/repo.rb:363
FC121: Cookbook depends on cookbook made obsolete by Chef 14: hadoop/metadata.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 16.3.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any

No Binaries Metric

2.14.0 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

2.14.0 passed this metric

Version Tag Metric

2.14.0 passed this metric