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The httpd cookbook has been deprecated

Author provided reason for deprecation:

The httpd cookbook has been deprecated and is no longer being maintained by its authors. Use of the httpd cookbook is no longer recommended.

You may find that the apache2 cookbook is a suitable alternative.


httpd (47) Versions 0.2.19

Provides httpd_service, httpd_config, and httpd_module resources

cookbook 'httpd', '= 0.2.19', :supermarket
cookbook 'httpd', '= 0.2.19'
knife supermarket install httpd
knife supermarket download httpd
Quality 0%

HTTPD Cookbook

Build Status
Cookbook Version

The HTTPD Cookbook is a Library Cookbook that provides resource
primitives for use in recipes. It is designed to be an example to
reference for creating highly re-usable cross platform cookbooks.


This cookbook is concerned with
The Apache HTTP Server, particularly those
shipped with F/OSS Unix and Linux distributions. It does not address
other httpd server implementations like Lighttpd, Nginx, or IIS.


  • Chef 12.0.0 or higher
  • Ruby 1.9 or higher (preferably from the Chef full-stack installer)
  • Network accessible package repositories

Platform Support

The following platforms have been tested with Test Kitchen:

|                | 2.0 | 2.2 | 2.4 |
| debian-7       |     | X   |     |
| ubuntu-10.04   |     | X   |     |
| ubuntu-12.04   |     | X   |     |
| ubuntu-14.04   |     |     | X   |
| centos-5       |     | X   |     |
| centos-6       |     | X   |     |
| centos-7       |     |     | X   |
| amazon         |     | X   | X   |
| fedora-20      |     |     | X   |
| suse-11.3      |     |     |     |
| omnios-151006  |     |     |     |
| smartos-14.3.0 |     |     |     |

Cookbook Dependencies

  • none!


Place a dependency on the httpd cookbook in your cookbook's metadata.rb
depends 'httpd', '~> 0.2'

Then, in a recipe:

httpd_service 'default' do
  action [:create, :start]

httpd_config 'default' do
  source 'mysite.cnf.erb'
  notifies :restart, 'httpd_service[default]'
  action :create

Resources Overview


The httpd_service does minimal configuration to get the service up
and running. Its parameters can select and tune the multi-processing
module, along with a small selection of server-wide configuration
options such as listen_ports and run_user.

The :create action handles package installation, support
directories, socket files, and other operating system level concerns.
The internal configuration file contains just enough to get the
service up and running, then loads extra configuration from a conf.d
directory. Further configurations are managed with the httpd_config resource.

The :start action starts the service on the machine using the
appropriate provider for the platform. The :start action should be
omitted when used in recipes designed to build containers.

httpd_service supports multiple Apache instances on a single
machine, enabling advanced Apache configuration in scenarios where
multiple servers need different loaded modules and global


httpd_service 'default' do
  action :create

httpd_service 'instance-1' do
  listen_ports ['81', '82']
  action :create

httpd_service 'an websites' do
  instance_name 'bob'
  servername ''
  version '2.4'
  mpm 'event'
  threadlimit '4096'
  listen_ports ['1234']
  action :create


Most of the parameters on the httpd_service resource map to their
CamelCase equivalents found at

  • contact - The email address rendered into the main configuration file as the ServerAdmin directive.

  • hostname_lookups - Enables DNS lookups on client IP addresses.
    Can be 'on' 'off' or 'double'. Defaults to 'off'.

  • instance - A string name to identify the httpd_service
    instance. By convention, this will result in configuration, log, and
    support directories being created and used in the form
    '/etc/instance-name', '/var/log/instance-name', etc. If set to
    'default', the platform native defaults are used.

  • keepalive - Enables HTTP persistent connections. Values can be true or false.

  • keepalivetimeout - Amount of time the server will wait for
    subsequent requests on a persistent connection.

  • listen_addresses - IP addresses that the server listens to.
    Defaults to [''].

  • listen_ports - Ports that the server listens to. Defaults to
    ['80', '443'].

  • log_level - Controls the verbosity of the ErrorLog. Defaults to 'warn'.

  • maxclients - Maximum number of connections that will be processed
    simultaneously. Valid only with prefork and worker MPMs.

  • maxconnectionsperchild - Limit on the number of connections that
    an individual child server will handle during its life. Valid with
    Apache 2.4 prefork, worker and event MPMs.

  • maxkeepaliverequests - Number of requests allowed on a persistent
    connection. Defaults to 100.

  • maxrequestsperchild - The Apache 2.2 version of
    maxconnectionsperchild. Still supported as of 2.4

  • maxrequestworkers - Maximum number of connections that will be
    processed simultaneously. Valid on prefork, worker, and event MPMs.

  • maxspareservers - Maximum number of idle child server processes.
    Valid only for prefork MPM.

  • maxsparethreads - Maximum number of idle threads. Valid only for
    worker and event MPMs.

  • minspareservers - Minimum number of idle child server processes.
    Valid only for preform MPM.

  • minsparethreads - Minimum number of idle threads available to
    handle request spikes. Valid only for worker and event MPMs.

  • modules - A list of initial Apache modules to be loaded inside the
    httpd_service instance. Defaults to Debian standard on 2.2 and 2.4.

  • mpm - The Multi-Processing Module to use for the httpd_service
    instance. Values can be 'prefork', 'worker', and 'event'. Defaults
    to 'worker' for Apache 2.2 and 'event' for Apache 2.4.

  • package_name - Name of the server package to install on the
    machine using the system package manager. Defaults to 'apache2' on
    Debian and 'httpd' on RHEL.

  • run_group - System group to start the httpd_service as. Defaults
    to 'www-data' on Debian and 'apache' on RHEL.

  • run_user - System user to start the httpd_service as. Defaults
    to 'www-data' on Debian and 'apache' on RHEL.

  • servername - Hostname and port that the server uses to identify
    itself. Syntax: [scheme://]fully-qualified-domain-name[:port].
    Defaults to node['hostname'].

  • startservers - Number of child server processes created at
    startup. Valid for prefork, worker, and event MPMs. Default value
    differs from MPM to MPM.

  • threadlimit - Sets the upper limit on the configurable number of
    threads per child process. Valid on worker and event MPMs.

  • threadsperchild - Number of threads created by each child process.
    Valid on worker and event MPMs.

  • timeout - Amount of time the server will wait for certain events
    before failing a request. Defaults to '400'

  • version - Apache software version to use. Available options are
    '2.2', and '2.4', depending on platform. Defaults to latest


The httpd_module resource is responsible ensuring that an Apache
module is installed on the system, as well as ensuring a load configuration
snippet is dropped off at the appropriate location.


httpd_module 'ssl' do
  action :create

httpd_module 'el dap' do
  module_name 'ldap'
  action :create

httpd_module 'auth_pgsql' do
  instance 'instance-2'
  action :create


  • filename - The filename of the shared object to be rendered into
    the load config snippet. This can usually be omitted, and defaults
    to a generated value looked up in an internal map.

  • httpd_version - The version of the httpd_service this module is
    meant to be installed for. Useful on platforms that support multiple
    Apache versions. Defaults to the platform default.

  • instance - The httpd_service name to drop the load snippet off
    for. Defaults to 'default'.

  • module_name - The module name to install. Defaults to the
    httpd_module name.

package_name - The package name the module is found in. By default,
this is looked up in an internal map.


The httpd_config resource is a thin wrapper around the core Chef
template resource. Instead of a path parameter, httpd_config uses
the instance parameter to calculate where the config is dropped off.


httpd_config 'mysite' do
  source 'mysite.erb'
  action :create

httpd_config 'computers dot biz ssl_config' do
  config_name 'ssl-config'
  httpd_instance 'computers_dot_biz'
  source 'ssl_config.erb'
  action :create


  • config_name - The name of the config on disk

  • cookbook - The cookbook that the source template is found in.
    Defaults to the current cookbook.

  • httpd_version - Used to calculate the configuration's disk path.
    Defaults to the platform's native Apache version.

  • instance - The httpd_service instance the config is meant for.
    Defaults to 'default'

  • source - The ERB format template source used to render the file.

  • variables - A hash of variables passed to the underlying template

License & Authors

Copyright:: 2009-2014 Chef Software, Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

yum_dag Applicable Versions

httpd Cookbook CHANGELOG

0.2.19 (2015-09-15)

  • Updating for Amazon Linux 2015.03

0.2.18 (2015-06-30)

  • Fixes for correct Provider Resolver behavior and more 12.4.0 fixes

0.2.17 (2015-06-28)

  • Fixing IfModule by including .load before .conf

0.2.16 (2015-06-26)

  • Dropping Chef 11 support
  • fix the priority map dsl method

0.2.15 (2015-06-26)

  • Fixing up provider resolution code to work properly with 12.4

0.2.14 (2015-06-05)

  • Fixing up mod_php filename for debian based distros

v0.2.12 (2015-05-11)

  • Fixing 'provides' bug that was breaking 12.3

v0.2.11 (2015-04-11)

  • Fix config file load ordering

v0.2.10 (2015-04-06)

  • Various README fixes
  • Fixing action :delete for httpd_config rhel provider

v0.2.9 (2015-04-04)

  • Adding
  • Adding issues and source urls to metadata

v0.2.8 (2015-03-20)

  • Fixing backwards compatibility with Chef 11

v0.2.7 (2015-03-16)

  • Updating resources and providers to use "provides" keyword instead of the old provider_mapping file

v0.2.6 (2015-01-20)

  • Fixed type mismatch bug for listen_addresses parameter
  • Fixing up php-zts for el5/6

v0.2.5 (2015-01-20)

  • Fixing mpm_worker config rendering

v0.2.4 (2015-01-19)

  • Refactoring helper methods out of resource classes. Fixing up tests.

v0.2.3 (2015-01-17)

  • Fixing httpd_module 'php' on rhel family

v0.2.2 (2015-01-12)

  • Adding license and description metadata

v0.2.1 (2015-01-12)

  • Adding platform support metadata

v0.2.0 (2014-12-31)

  • Providers now avoid "system" httpd service for default instance
  • Refactoring helper libraries
  • Refactoring package info and mpm DSLs
  • Adding more platform support
  • Refactoring specs.. removing everything but centos-5 for now

v0.1.7 (2014-12-19)

  • Reverting 0.1.6 changes

v0.1.6 (2014-12-19)

  • Using "include" instead of "extend" for helper methods

v0.1.5 (2014-08-24)

  • Adding a modules parameter to httpd_service resource. It now loads a base set of modules by default

v0.1.4 (2014-08-23)

  • Renaming magic to mime.types

v0.1.3 (2014-08-22)

  • Fixing notifications by using LWRP DSL actions

v0.1.2 (2014-08-22)

  • Fixing up maxkeepaliverequests in template

v0.1.1 (2014-08-22)

  • Fixing up maxkeepaliverequests parameter

v0.1.0 (2014-08-22)

  • Initial Beta release. Let the bug hunts begin!

Foodcritic Metric

0.2.19 failed this metric

FC023: Prefer conditional attributes: /tmp/cook/e8b529fceffce2cabf78777d/httpd/libraries/provider_httpd_service_debian.rb:259
FC023: Prefer conditional attributes: /tmp/cook/e8b529fceffce2cabf78777d/httpd/libraries/provider_httpd_service_rhel.rb:146
FC031: Cookbook without metadata file: /tmp/cook/e8b529fceffce2cabf78777d/httpd/metadata.rb:1
FC045: Consider setting cookbook name in metadata: /tmp/cook/e8b529fceffce2cabf78777d/httpd/metadata.rb:1