cookbook 'jboss7', '= 0.11.1'
jboss7 (7) Versions 0.11.1 Follow12
Installs/Configures jboss7
cookbook 'jboss7', '= 0.11.1', :supermarket
knife supermarket install jboss7
knife supermarket download jboss7
This is a JBoss 7 cookbook. It's still in development. Feel free to contribute.
V. 0.11.0 - Added a jboss7_user provider to create JBoss 7 standalone mgmt users.
- Added sane defaults for bind addresses.
V. 0.10.2 - I realize I forgot to include sane defaults for the port numbers. Now added.
Supported Platforms
Ubuntu 12.04
TODO: CentOS, Windows
jboss7_user - JBoss 7 user takes two attributes, the "name" of the resource is the account you're adding to the management realm.
The password is HEX( MD5( username ':' realm ':' password)). The example password is: HEX( MD5(Administrator:ManagementRealm:changeit!))
You should be able to login to your JBoss management console with the user Administrator, password changeit!
The provider uses sed -i to delete users therefore is not GNU sed compliant. User beware!
The provider also only concerns itself with the standalone configuration.
TODO: Maybe put password in an encrpted databag?
Refactor into a HWRP/library to use native ruby commands to modify jboss user file, in order to be platform independant.
Add domain user configuration.
GIT Location
<td>Path to the parent directory where JBoss will be installed. E.g., if you want JBoss installed in /opt/jboss, this would be /opt/</td>
<td>User for JBoss to run as.</td>
<td>URL to download the JBoss tarball from.</td>
<td>Sets your Xms JVM parameter</td>
<td>Sets your Xmx JVM parameter</td>
<td>Sets your PermGenSpace JVM parameter</td>
<td>Sets your AJP port in standalone.xml</td>
<td>Sets your HTTP port in standalone.xml</td>
<td>Sets your HTTPS port in standalone.xml</td>
Include jboss7
in your node's run_list
{ "run_list": [ "recipe[jboss7::default]" ] }
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (i.e.
) - Write your change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request
License and Authors
Author:: Andrew DuFour (
Dependent cookbooks
apt >= 0.0.0 |
java >= 0.0.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.