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jenkins_config (3) Versions 1.0.1

Installs/Configures jenkins_config

cookbook 'jenkins_config', '= 1.0.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'jenkins_config', '= 1.0.1'
knife supermarket install jenkins_config
knife supermarket download jenkins_config
Quality 0%


Cookbook for Jenkins Configuration. This cookbook provides LWRPs to configure jenkins post installation. The installation can be done using jenkins cookbook



This recipe includes all other recipes in the cookbook


This recipe installs required and optional plugins that are required by jenkins_config_job LWRP

node['jenkins_config']['base_plugins'] -> Base plugins that needs to be installed. Jenkins is restarted immediately, after every each plugin install. However, jenkins is not restarted when dependencies are installed.

node['jenkins_config']['plugins'] -> Optional plugins that needs to be installed. Jenkins is restarted at the end of chef run.



This resource manages Jenkins jobs, supporting the following actions:

:create, :delete, :disable, :enable

The resource is fully idempotent and convergent. It also supports why-run mode.

It uses jenkins_job LWRP part of jenkins cookbook to manage jobs. This LWRP assists in generating attributes from individual commands. This LWRP creates configurations that are dependent on the following plugins
* slack
* multiscm
* git
* credentials
* credentials-binding
* ssh-agent

Missing these plugins may case job creation to fail.


  • name -> Name of the job
  • jobconfig_erb_params -> Global variables passed to the ERB which generates the job xml.
  • builders -> Array of jsons representing each supported build steps.
  • notifiers -> Array of jsons representing each supported notifiers.
  • scms -> Array of SCM configurations. Uses multiscm plugin to configure SCM.
  • job_parameters -> Array of parameters to the jenkins job
  • auth_token -> If specified, enables remote trigger of jenkins job using the auth_token provided

Example job to execute a shell builder with support for slack notification
jenkins_config_job 'bashdemo2' do
action :create
build_steps [
'builder' => 'shell',
'command_erb' => 'bashdemo_sh1.erb'
notifiers [
'type' => 'slack',
'notify_on' => ['success', 'failure'],
'domain' => 'nclouds',
'channel' => 'chat_testing1',
'auth_token' => '<<your secret auth token>>'
params 'name' => 'Bob'

Job Configuration

This is an evolving LWRP. The following configurations are being supported. More options to be added later.

General configuration

The attribute job_parameters can be used to pass the list of Job Parameters. The following types of parameters are supported
* boolean
* string

Example Usage :
jenkins_config_job 'job1' do
job_parameters [
'name' => 'branch_name',
'type' => 'string',
'default_value' => 'master'
'name' => 'deploy',
'type' => 'boolean'

Source code management

SCM Management<BR>
The attribute scms can be used specify list of source repositories. git is the only supported type of scm.

Example Usage :
jenkins_config_job 'job2' do
scms [
'type' => 'git',
'url' => '',
'credentials_id' => 'XXX', # Credentials id in case of a private repository
'branch' => '*/master'
'checkout_folder' => '' # Local subfolder to checkout the project to incase of multiple SCMS.

Build Triggers

Remote Trigger<BR>
The attribute auth_token can be used to enable remote builds. The auth_token can be be embedded in the URL for authentication. If left unspecified, remote build triggers will be disabled

Example Usage :
jenkins_config_job 'job2' do
auth_token '<<Your Secret>>'

Build Environment

Credentials Binding<BR>
The attribute credentials_binding can be used pass list of credentials that can be injected into the jenkins jobs. Currently the following types of credentials are supported
* text
* password

Example Usage:
jenkins_config_job 'jobname' do
credentials_binding [
'type' => 'text',
'credentials_id' => '<<credentials_id>>', # The same id passed to jenkins_secret_text_credentials LWRP while creating the secret
'variable_name' => 'VAULT_PASSWORD' # Env variable which will be used by the scripts to refer to the credential
'type' => 'password',
'credentials_id' => '<<credentials_id>>', # The samd id passed to jenkins_password_credentials LWRP while creating the secret
'user_variable_name' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY', # Env variable name for referring the username from script
'password_variable_name' => 'AWS_SECRET_KEY' # Env variable name for referring the password from script

Note: credentials_id passed to type:text must always be of type secrettext credentials type. Matching with other type of credentials will cause unexpected results.

SSH Agent<BR>
The attribute ssh_agent can be used to configure ssh agent while running jenkins jobs.

Example Usage:
jenkins_config_job 'jobname' do
ssh_agent 'credential_ids' => [<<id1>>, <<id2>>] # The same id passed to jenkins_private_key_credentials LWRP while creating the secret.

Build Actions

The build_steps parameters can be used to pass a list of ordered build actions.

The following build actions are supported
* Shell script

Shell Script<BR>
The shell script can be created as an *.erb file. The ERB will have access to node object and any other parameters that are passed via jobconfig_erb_params

Example Usage:
Template (templates/default/
echo "Hello <%=@jobconfig_erb_params['name']%>"

jenkins_config_job 'job2' do
jobconfig_erb_params name: 'Bob'
build_steps [
'builder' => 'shell',
'command_erb' => ''

Post-Build Actions

The post build actions can be specified using notifiers parameter. The following post-build actions are supported.

Slack Notifications<BR>
The slack notifications that are supported slack plugin can be specified.

Example Usage :
jenkins_config_job 'job1' do
notifiers [
'type' => 'slack',
'notify_on' => %w(start success failure aborted not_built unstable back_to_normal repeated_failure), # Exhaustive list of notification options. Pass in the relavant values for restricting notifications
'domain' => node['nclouds_jenkins']['slack']['domain'],
'channel' => node['nclouds_jenkins']['slack']['channel'],
'auth_token' => node['nclouds_jenkins']['slack']['auth_token']

Hipchat Notifications<BR>

The hipchat notifications that are supported hipchat plugin can be specified.

jenkins_config_job 'job1' do
  notifiers [
      'type' => 'hipchat',
      'channel' => node['nclouds_jenkins']['hipchat']['channel'],
      'auth_token' => node['nclouds_jenkins']['hipchat']['auth_token'],
      'configs' => [
          'type' => 'STARTED', # Notification time
          'color' => 'GREEN',
          'message_template' => '$JOB_NAME $BUILD_NUMBER started'
          'type' => 'SUCCESS',
          'color' => 'GREEN',
          'message_template' => '$JOB_NAME successfully completed'


This resource manages Jenkins jobs, supporting the following actions:

:install, :uninstall

The resource is fully idempotent and convergent. It also supports why-run mode.

It uses jenkins_lwrp LWRP part of jenkins cookbook to install plugins. This LWRP uses topological sorting of dependencies and installs the plugins in the proper order. This LWRP always installs the latest versions of the plugins to avoid dependency conflicts across multiple plugins


  • name -> Name of the plugin
jenkins_config_plugin 'plugin1' do
  action :install

Dependent cookbooks

jenkins ~> 2.5.0
java ~> 1.39.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

1.0.0 / 2016-09-12

  • Rename cookbook to jenkins_config

0.4.0 / 2016-09-09

  • Add new recipe jenksin_cfg::plugins

0.3.0 / 2016-09-06

  • Improvements to jenkins_config_job LWRP
    • Add support for credentials-binding plugin
    • Add support for ssh-agent plugin

0.2.0 / 2016-09-05

  • jenkins_config_plugin LWRP
  • Improvements to jenkins_config_job LWRP
    • Support for SCM
    • Support for Job Parameters
    • Support for Auth Token (Remote Build Trigger)
  • Chefspec with sample cookbook

0.1.0 / 2016-09-01

  • Initial release of jenkins_config cookbook
  • jenkins_config_job LWRP with support for shell script

Collaborator Number Metric

1.0.1 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Foodcritic Metric

1.0.1 failed this metric

FC019: Access node attributes in a consistent manner: /tmp/4e92852a8c7d07ea0f39f3c0/jenkins_config/providers/plugin.rb:48
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: /tmp/4e92852a8c7d07ea0f39f3c0/jenkins_config/providers/job.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: /tmp/4e92852a8c7d07ea0f39f3c0/jenkins_config/providers/plugin.rb:1