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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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selenium (46) Versions 1.0.0

Installs/Configures Selenium

cookbook 'selenium', '= 1.0.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'selenium', '= 1.0.0'
knife supermarket install selenium
knife supermarket download selenium
Quality 100%

Selenium Cookbook

Cookbook Version
Build Status
GitHub Issues

This cookbook installs and configures Selenium and WebDriver components (

This cookbook comes with the following Resource/Providers:


Add support for the following (any volunteers?):


Chef 11 or greater


  • CentOS, RedHat
  • Ubuntu
  • Windows


These cookbooks are referenced with suggests, so be sure to depend on cookbooks that apply:

  • windows
  • nssm - Windows hubs only


See selenium_test
cookbook for working cross platform examples, and
default attributes for global
cookbook settings.

Note that the provided examples in this cookbook have passwords unencrypted for simplicity.


Installs and configures selenium-grid hubs.


  • Java must be installed outside of this cookbook.


Install selenium-grid hub
selenium_hub 'selenium_hub' do
  username 'Administrator' if platform?('windows')
  password 'password' if platform?('windows')
  action :install


See hub resource for a complete list
of attributes.

  • name - Name attribute. The name of the service.
  • host - Hostname. Defaults to null if nil.
  • port - Port. Defaults to 4444 if nil.
  • jvm_args - Jvm arguments (e.g., -Xmx256M) Optional. Defaults to nil


Installs and configures selenium-grid nodes with support for
InternetExplorerDriver, and


  • Java must be installed outside of this cookbook.
  • Browsers (e.g., chrome, firefox, etc...) must be installed outside of this cookbook.
  • Linux nodes without a physical monitor require a headless display (e.g., xvfb, x11vnc, etc...) and must be installed and configured outside this cookbook.
  • Windows nodes require an account (e.g., username/password/domain) for auto-logon. Note that the password is stored unencrypted under windows registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.


Install selenium-grid node with Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer capability
selenium_node 'selenium_node' do
  username 'Administrator' if platform?('windows')
  password 'password' if platform?('windows')
  capabilities [
      browserName: 'chrome',
      maxInstances: 5,
      seleniumProtocol: 'WebDriver'
      browserName: 'firefox',
      maxInstances: 5,
      seleniumProtocol: 'WebDriver'
      browserName: 'internet explorer',
      maxInstances: 1,
      seleniumProtocol: 'WebDriver'
  action :install


See node resource for a complete list
of attributes.

  • name - Name attribute. The name of the service or auto-logon script (Windows nodes only).
  • host - Hostname. Defaults to null if nil.
  • port - Port. Defaults to 4444 if nil.
  • hubHost - Selenium-grid hub hostname. Defaults to ip if nil.
  • hubPort - Selenium-grid hub port. Defaults to 4444.
  • jvm_args - Jvm arguments (e.g., -Xmx256M) Optional. Defaults to nil.
  • capabilities - The following drivers are supported and installed based on capabilities:
  • username - Windows account username. Required for Windows only.
  • password - Windows account password. Required for Windows only.
  • domain - Windows account domain. Optional. Defaults to nil.


Installs and configures PhantomJS as a selenium-grid node or as a standalone server via


  • PhantomJS must be installed outside of this cookbook.


Install PhantomJS as a selenium-grid node
selenium_phantomjs 'selenium_phantomjs' do
  username 'Administrator' if platform?('windows')
  password 'password' if platform?('windows')
  action :install
Install PhantomJS as a standalone server by setting hubHost to false
selenium_phantomjs 'selenium_phantomjs_nogrid' do
  username 'Administrator' if platform?('windows')
  password 'password' if platform?('windows')
  hubHost false
  action :install


See phantomjs resource for a complete list
of attributes.

  • name - Name attribute. The name of the service or auto-logon script (Windows nodes only).
  • host - Webdriver hostname. Defaults to node['ipaddress']. Used in conjunction with host to generate webdriver parameter.
  • port - Webdriver port. Defaults to 8910. Used in conjunction with host to generate webdriver parameter.
  • hubHost - Selenium-grid hub hostname. Defaults to node['ipaddress']. Set to false to install PhantomJS as a standalone service. Used in conjunction with hubPort to generate webdriverSeleniumGridHub parameter.
  • hubPort - Selenium-grid hub port. Defaults to 4444. Used in conjunction with hubHost to generate webdriverSeleniumGridHub parameter.
  • username - Windows account username. Required for Windows only.
  • password - Windows account password. Required for Windows only.
  • domain - Windows account domain. Optional. Defaults to nil.

ChefSpec Matchers

The Selenium cookbook includes custom ChefSpec matchers you can use to test
your own cookbooks.

Example Matcher Usage

expect(chef_run).to install_selenium_hub('resource_name').with(
  port: '4444'

Selenium Cookbook Matchers

  • install_selenium_hub(resource_name)
  • install_selenium_node(resource_name)
  • install_selenium_phantomjs(resource_name)

Getting Help


Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.


MIT - see the accompanying LICENSE file for details.



  • Initial release

Foodcritic Metric

1.0.0 passed this metric