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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

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The stackstorm cookbook has been deprecated

Author provided reason for deprecation:

The stackstorm cookbook has been deprecated and is no longer being maintained by its authors. Use of the stackstorm cookbook is no longer recommended.


stackstorm (12) Versions 0.4.0

Installs/Configures stackstorm

cookbook 'stackstorm', '= 0.4.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'stackstorm', '= 0.4.0'
knife supermarket install stackstorm
knife supermarket download stackstorm
Quality 50%

StackStorm chef cookbook

Build Status

Cookbook for StackStorm Automation as a Service. This cookbook is used to install and bring up St2 components using Chef.


Use version <0.2.5 of this cookbook with chef <12.4.0.

Starting with version *0.3.0, Packagecloud repo will be used to install Stackstorm packages instead of building from source.

Supported Platforms

Tested to work on ubuntu 14.04 and centos 7.2.


NOTE: By default, latest stable version of st2 and st2mistral will be installed. Overwrite this behavior using custom wrapper cookbook.

Common attributes

Key Type Description Default
['stackstorm']['install_stackstorm']['build'] String Build number of stackstorm packages. 'current'
['stackstorm']['install_repo']['suite'] String Suite selects package repository, use stable or unstable. 'stable'
['stackstorm']['install_repo']['debug_package'] Boolean Set to true to install st2debug package. false
['stackstorm']['home'] String Base directory where is St2 is installed (same path as in the os-packages). '/opt/stackstorm'
['stackstorm']['bin_dir'] String Directory where St2 binaries are located. It can be overrided by the install recipe. '/usr/bin'
['stackstorm']['etc_dir'] String Configuration directory of St2. '/etc/st2'
['stackstorm']['conf_path'] String St2 configuration file path. '/etc/st2/st2.conf'
['stackstorm']['log_dir'] String Log directory path where St2 services write log files. '/var/log/st2'
['stackstorm']['run_user'] String User used to run St2 services (except action runners). 'st2'
['stackstorm']['run_group'] String Group used to run St2 services (except action runners). 'st2'
['stackstorm']['action_runners'] Integer Number of action runners to be spawned. (TODO) 10
['stackstorm']['roles'] Array List of roles to bring up on a node. Set a combination of the following roles: controller, worker and client. []
['stackstorm'][config'] Hash Various configuration options used to build up the configuration file. see attributes file

User management

Key Type Description Default
['stackstorm']['user']['user'] String System user used by stackstorm stack. 'stanley'
['stackstorm']['user']['group'] String System group used by stackstorm stack. 'stanley'
['stackstorm']['user']['home'] String Path to stanley's home directory. '/home/stanley'
['stackstorm']['user']['authorized_keys'] Array List of ssh public keys added to stanley's* ~/.ssh/authorized_keys* file. []
['stackstorm']['user']['ssh_key'] String Stanley's ssh private key. nil
['stackstorm']['user']['ssh_pub'] String Stanley's ssh public key. nil
['stackstorm']['user']['ssh_key_bits'] Integer Specifies the number of bits for ssh key creation. 2048
['stackstorm']['user']['enable_sudo'] Boolean Enables sudo privileges for stanley. true

StackStorm uses system_user option to specify privileges used to execute local or remote actions. This user is managed and configured by this cookbook. Stanley user is different from run_user whose privileges used for running all St2 services (except action runners). Action runners are started with root privileges and StackStorm drops them to stanley's privileges during action execution. If root privileges for running actions are required stanley must be valid sudoer.

Stanley's ssh key is automatically generated if no ssh_key is provided. This is the default behavior.

stackstorm.config attributes

There are different attributes providing options values which are substituted into st2.conf file. For more details have look at the [config.rb](attributes/config.rb).


StackStorm nodes can have several roles these are controller and worker. Controller nodes run API service, sensor container and others. While workers execute actions on nodes so they run only action runner and mistral executor services.

Usage of mistral is provided by the mistral cookbook, details are here

To chose specific roles for a node define ['stackstorm']['roles'] attribute to contain one of the following roles: controller, worker, client, or their combination combination. For example with a json attribute file.

  "run_list": [ "recipe[stackstorm::default]" ],
  "attributes": {
    "stackstorm": {
      "roles": [ "worker", "client" ],
      "config": { "lots of": "configuration" }


Define roles with the stackstorm.roles attribute, provide valid configuration options and include "recipe[stackstorm::default]" into your run list. The default recipe downloads and installs StackStorm packages required for given roles, writes configuration files and filnally brings up StackStorm system services.

Mind that the valid configuration must be provided such as RabbitMQ and MongoDB endpoints. Otherwise StackStorm services fail when trying to establish connections.


For those who wants to play with StackStorm there's an all-in-one solution which installs and configures StackStorm system services as well as all required components such as RabbitMQ, MongoDB and Mistral . To install pre-configured StackStorm bundle just include the "recipe[stackstorm::bundle]" into your run list.

License and Authors


stackstorm cookbook CHANGELOG


  • Update Test kitchen to CentOS 7.2
  • Drop Fedora support. Distro not officially supported by Stackstorm
  • Migrate from 'mongodb' to 'mongodb3' cookbook (mongo 2.6 to mongo 3.2)


  • Remove poise-python


  • (Identical to 0.3.0)


  • Support installing via system packaginpackagingg.


  • Native repository layout support
  • Various fixes, tested on Fedora 20, Centos 70 and Ubuntu 14.04


Initial release of stackstorm cookbook

Collaborator Number Metric

0.4.0 passed this metric

Contributing File Metric

0.4.0 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Foodcritic Metric

0.4.0 failed this metric

FC009: Resource attribute not recognised: stackstorm/recipes/_initial.rb:17
FC009: Resource attribute not recognised: stackstorm/recipes/user.rb:14
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: stackstorm/metadata.rb:1
FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata: stackstorm/metadata.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 14.0.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any

No Binaries Metric

0.4.0 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

0.4.0 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Version Tag Metric

0.4.0 passed this metric