Provides docker_service, docker_image, and docker_container resources
cookbook 'docker', '~> 11.9.2'
Provides a set of primitives for managing firewalls and associated rules.
cookbook 'firewall', '~> 7.0.1'
Installs and configures postfix for client or outbound relayhost, or to do SASL auth
cookbook 'postfix', '~> 6.2.2'
Coordinates the application of changes induced by chef
cookbook 'choregraphie', '~> 1.0.5'
Installs and configures ossec
cookbook 'ossec', '~> 2.0.15'
Installs/Configures rvv-test
cookbook 'rvv-sudo', '~> 0.1.49'
Installs/Configures Newrelic agents using guided install through chef
cookbook 'newrelic-install', '~> 0.1.13'
Installs and configures nginx
cookbook 'nginx', '~> 12.2.13'
Standardize configuration of various machines (VM, cloud, bare metal, etc.) with a common set of packages and settings
cookbook 'sanity', '~> 3.12.1'
Installs/Configures cinc-omnibus
cookbook 'cinc-omnibus', '~> 1.2.2'
Installs/Configures yum-mysql-community
cookbook 'yum-mysql-community', '~> 5.5.0'
Installs logrotate package and provides a resource for managing logrotate configs
cookbook 'logrotate', '~> 3.0.28'
Installs/Configures sdlc_structure
cookbook 'sdlc_structure', '~> 0.157.1'
Installs/Configures isc_kea
cookbook 'isc_kea', '~> 1.7.3'
Installs/Configures chef_auto_accumulator
cookbook 'chef_auto_accumulator', '~> 0.7.0'
Installs and configures rsyslog
cookbook 'rsyslog', '~> 11.0.0'
Installs/Configures various filesystems
cookbook 'filesystem', '~> 4.2.0'
Provides mysql_service, mysql_config, and mysql_client resources
cookbook 'mysql', '~> 11.1.9'
Installs and configures haproxy
cookbook 'haproxy', '~> 12.4.0'
Configures various yum components on Red Hat-like systems
cookbook 'yum', '~> 7.4.20'